After 38 years in graphic design, I retired from my day job in April 2024. For about as long as I held that job, I was simultaneously doing two other things: painting and volunteering with an environmental education non-profit, Amigos de Bolsa Chica. While my work as a painter is what this website is about, I would never be able to separate my identity as a graphic designer and painter from my need to contribute as much of my time and skills as possible to environmental education. As much as I love art, few things are more urgently needed at this moment on planet Earth than environmental education. The Amigos de Bolsa Chica is the grassroots group that began in 1976 to save and restore one of largest remaining coastal saltwater wetlands on the California coast from development - and were successful at saving it and seeing it restored. Many of my paintings are a reflection of the wetland's incredible biodiversity.

While volunteering, I served on the Board of Directors, wrote grants, edited the newsletter, maintained the website, and helped with the education committee. Some years ago, the Amigos' Office Coordinator part-time position became available. Since the job requirements were mostly all the same tasks I was doing as a volunteer and on my day job, I thought it would be easier to do the job myself than train someone. I am now the Amigos' Administrative Director. The Amigos de Bolsa Chica continues to be a successful and progressive grassroots effort that attracts the most incredible group of volunteers anyone could ever dream of knowing and working for.

Rousseau Walks on Trumpet Paths was honored by its inclusion in the Society of Animal Artist 59th Annual Exhibition at the Briscoe Western Art Museum in San Antonio, Texas, September 19 through December 31, 2019.

Doheny State Beach Visitor Center Mural

CuraciĆ³n, Society of Animal Artist 58th Annual Exhibition, James Museum, St. Petersburg, Florida, July 28-October 23, 2018.